Sunday, September 7, 2008

New staff in the house

Our diploma has recently had a new addition of staff!

Miss Pauline joined TP just 1 week ago, and had her staff orientation of TP. Here is what she has to say thus far:

How did you become a lecturer in TP?

I wanted to have the opportunity to team up with the young and fresh programmers, and impart my knowledge to them. This is due to my work in my previous company, where I managed several younger programmers.

What were you doing previously?

I worked at a company writing software applications and developments.

How did you find the staff orientation?

The HR people were very warm, and they taught me many things about TP.

What module(s) will you be teaching?

I'm not too sure yet, it hasn't been finalised. However, I expect that it will be more related to desktop or mobile programming.

How do you feel to be part of the TP IIT MWC teaching team?

So far, I'm new here, so I don't know what's ahead at the moment. I don't know how it will be like later on, but I am happy, and I want to value-add to the teaching.

When will you start teaching?

I'm not too sure yet, it also hasn't been finalised. But it could be the upcoming semester or the following one.

Well, let us welcome Miss Pauline with a warm round of applause!!