Monday, September 8, 2008

Bug in DNS

Well, I know I'm slow, and the news is a little late, but better late than never, they always say.

Just wanted to share this piece of news, that, from my understanding so far, has been a little hushed-up. Its regarding a bug that hackers have exploited in Domain Name Servers / System(DNS), to re-route internet traffic to their own websites. These malicious hackers use their own websites to impersonate official / commercial websites, for reasons such as collecting personal information. This bug in the DNS vulnerability is a great security issue, and many top security researchers are concerned. Several patches have been developed to address the issue, so the situation is generally under control.

*DNS - name-to-address mapping system that translates names you can remember (such as to numbers the Internet can route (

You can read the full story, news and updates at: OR

This is what I understand of the situation so far, and it has been most interesting, considering the fact that I learnt this from a gaming forum. Thus, games DO benefit us. =)