Sunday, August 31, 2008

Temasek Poly Alice programming Competition

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Stop taking snapshot of my handsome face when i eating!(above)

Different Schools that took part(above)

29th of August will be remembered by several secondary schools espically Zhong Hua Secondary School as they clinched top in the ALICE competion held by Temasek Polytechnic while Raffles Secondary School came in runner-up. Our MWC team of students reporters went there to get the first hand information on how the participants felt after the competition.

First runner-up - Raffles Institution (above)

Reporter: Who introduced and taught ‘Alice’ progromming to your group?

Raffles Institution: We got to know this programme through this competition. Nobody really taught us this programme, we did quite a reasonable amount of research online and with the help of our teachers we managed to make our project work.

Reporter: Did you encounter any difficulties ?

Raffles Institution : Computer’s processing speed has been an issue as only our school computers have the programme. We also felt limited in some ways and we did not have much time doing the project as we are preparing for our exams at the same time. Beside these problems, we had no problem with it as we are rather familar with programming.

Reporter: Will you join Temasek Polytechnic’s School of Informatic and IT after your ‘O’ Levels?

Raffles Institution: We will think about it.

Zhong Hua Secondary School(above)

Reporter: Who introduced and taught ‘Alice’ programming your group?

Zhong Hua Secondary School: We got to know this programme when we are in school. Our school send us for the training that was organized and held in Temasek Polytechnic.

Reporter: Did you encounter any difficulties ?

Zhong Hua Secondary School: We had certain constraints but we found an alternative way to solve the problem.

Reporter: Will you join Temasek Polytechnic’s School of Informatic and IT after your ‘O’ Levels?

Zhong Hua Secondary School: Maybe as we do not know if we are able to enter. *Laughs.