Sunday, June 22, 2008

After the "Si Chuan" incident that happened about a month ago, countries which are proned to natural disasters became a forbidden place to go to. As we know that it is difficult to prevent a disaster from happening,but we can still predict when it will be coming.

I happened to visit a website which talks about "Handphones which can offer Earthquakes early warning alerts via SMS" a few days ago. The software is named "Area Mail" which can be found in new mobile phones in Japan. The photos below are some examples:

Also,besides sending warnings via SMS, now in Japan, they provides Earthquakes Warnings via Phone calls. This is to ensure that everyone knows about the upcoming danger.

Some companies in Japan adopt new security systems which offers early earthquake alerts as well. One example of such product is the "Earthquake Early Warning System".

Some details of the product taken from the website:

How the EEWS is working?

-Earthquake Early Warnings will be provided through various media outlets such as TV and radio.
-Private companies may be able to receive the announcement directly from the Japan Meteorological Agency.
-Individuals could get direct information through a special device
-Mobile phone: Docomo should put on the market special mobile phone designed to receive AMJ alerts from late 2007; AU and Softbank from 2008.

If "Si Chuan" has taken such precautions, many innocent life will not be lost.


newmediascapes said...

Indeed, tehcnology should help to save lives!